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Genesis Michel (Director of Mentorship)

As a young, Latina, first generation college student I certainly understand the importance of a good education and the role it plays in opening up the doors to multiple opportunities. If it wasn’t for my mentors believing in my ability to be more than a statistic, I would not have been able to realize my own potential. For instance, having the opportunity to participate in internships at Columbia Medical Center or SUNY Downstate Hospital. Or been able to join programs like Mentoring in Medicine, which allowed me to work alongside the very doctors I aspire to become. Or even, have been able to join an immunology research lab on campus to actually see the hands-on application of what we learn in the classroom. For this very reason is that I want to ensure that as a mentor I provide students with access to as many opportunities as possible, so that they can too be reminded of their true potential and understand that what may seem impossible is actually possible. 

Academic year: Senior 

Career Objective: Medical Doctor

Christopher Reid

Born and raised outside the greatest city in the world, I have always been curious by nature of the world we live in, and how to better understand it. I like all types of sciences from astrophysics to chemistry but of course I love biology. Specifically I am interested in the neurological processes that invoke human behavior. Current hobbies are binge watching netflix, engaging myself in politics, and teaching myself new things.

Right now I do work in Dr. Christine Li's Lab studying the effects of a class neuropeptides in c. elegans. I have also completed several other research programs and can easily guide in how to acquire them. I am a product of great mentorship, and I know the best thing I could do to thank my mentors is pay it forward. As the only known intelligent beings in our universe, it is our duty to help each other understand both the world we are in and ourselves.

Academic year: Senior

Career Objective: PhD in Neuroscience

Sharmeen Azad

As a working college student, there is rarely ever time for fun. Yet, I always make sure I make time, even the smallest amount, for the things I love. Besides working at the pharmacy on weekends and attending classes on weekdays, I love going on adventures throughout the city with my friends. I like exploring different parts of the boroughs when we go on our occasional outings. I also love trying new cuisines, with Mexican, Indian and Thai being my favorites. I haven’t travelled much in my life but in 2016, I travelled for the first time to two culturally distinct, yet unique places. My trips to Hawaii and Costa Rica made me realize how much I love travelling.

Academic year: Senior

Career Objective: Pharmacy School

Kevin Gonzalez

I love READING! And for this, I have to give huge thanks to my middle school Social Studies teacher, Diane Glover. There's so much I could say about her because she lived such an exciting life but to keep it short and to give you all a brief glimpse into her life, she was a former civil rights activist and someone who marched alongside Dr. King in his now famous 'March on Washington.' There was this one phrase she insisted we always say before entering class: Knowledge Is Power. I didn't realize how powerful that phrase was at the time, but I do now. Many of us came from vastly underprivileged communities. We were poor, came from single-parent households, etc. But the one key out was knowledge. It was, what she liked to call, the Great Equalizer. 


And what's the one way to get knowledge? To read.

I currently work in Dr. Mark Emerson's lab. I work on two projects. In one, I am trying to understand the transcriptional events that lead to the birth of particular cell types in the eye. In the other, I work with one of the post-docs on using CRISPR-CAS9 to study the effects different knock-outs and knock-ins have on retinal development.

Academic year: Junior

Career Objective: I'm torn between pursuing an MD/Ph.D. or a Ph.D. Regardless of which I choose, I'd be happy doing anything that involves science.

Kazi Hossain

I love basketball, anything about it I probably know it. Some hobbies that I have are watching anime, reading manga, watching live streams and playing fantasy basketball. I also love my music! I do not have a passion, but I do have a deep rooted motivation that I will never stop until I reach my goal in life for the sake of my family. I also aspire to become a role model for my younger sister and provide her with the resources that I never had. I am currently working with Dr. Mark Emerson.   

Academic year: Junior

Career Objective: PhD in either Immunology, Microbiology or Developmental

Svetlana Markova

I am fascinated by the activities that require long hours of mental or/and physical effort, because the results are always extraordinary and you don’t have to wait for the pay off. Either I am studying for an orgo exam, mastering a new language, or hiking in the mountains; I savor every moment  (except acid-base reactions I can’t stomach them). I am positive that patience and persistence will lead me to the top with a beautiful view of new opportunities and connections. Along the way I have learned to often stop to ask for help or advice, because nothing great is reached in isolation. There are always mentors and inspirational people in the background to remind you that you can do it.  My big dream is one day to complete an ironman triathlon, and only in this case I’d like to follow a path going down the mountain :)   

I conduct research at the medical physics department at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) under the mentorship of Dr. Guang (George) Li.  My project is focused on assessment of respiratory motion by analyzing 4DMRI scans in order to improve radiation therapy planning for thoracic and abdominal tumors.  

Academic year: Junior

Career Objective: Medical Doctor

Yuriy Penchenyy

I am a Biology BS/MS student in my fifth year, currently doing research in Dr. Hubbard’s lab. My research focuses on the role of RNA binding proteins in maintaining a senescent phenotype and the effect of chemotherapy on various RNA binding proteins. Presently I am on my path to medical school matriculation and would love to guide anyone looking to do the same in the right direction. In addition, I have a passion for EMS, and am part of the on-campus City College EMS squad

Academic year: fifth year BS/MS

Career Objective: Medical Doctor

Asim Shahid

My name is Asim Shahid, and i am currently a junior majoring in biology that is on a pre-med track. On campus i am a part of Edelman lab at ccny and am conducting honors research on saccadic eye movements.  i am also a mentor for the ccap department, and work with freshman to help them adjust to being a student part of the division of science and liberal arts. In the future i aspire to attend medical school and become a practicing physician. Outside of school in my free time i enjoy basketball and bodybuilding.

Academic year: Junior

Career Objective: Medical Doctor

Marie Morel

My name is Marie Morel and I am junior with a double major in  Biology and Psychology. My goal is to become an orthodontist. On  Spring 2017 I will be a volunteer for Bellevue Hospital on the Dental Pediatrics area. Currently,  I am in the STEM CDI-Collegiate Health Corps program and peer mentor for CCAPP and Women in Science. I love helping others and offering advice to other students, being a mentor for the Biology Club sounds amazing.

Academic year: Junior

Career Objective: Orthodontist

Shahziab Tariq

My major is Biology and I am minoring in chemistry. I'm not that involved on campus, other than being part of the Pre-Dental club, that's why I was hoping to change that starting with this program. My career goal is to become a successful orthodontist in the near future.

Academic year: Junior

Career Objective: Dentistry

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